Sunday, November 25, 2007

.the pictures.

Okay people...before you even's an inside joke and we promised each other we'd post these pics today. Its a very confusing slap-happy sort of a deal, so I won't even attempt to explain right now. If you want the whole story, though, I'll try. Always remember kids - with beano before, there will be-no gas!


Vivian Claire said...


Elisabeth said...

Grrr! You people were supposed to post your pics! Now I look stupid. =)

Alicia Merrie said...

I'm sorry!! My pics are up now!
I love them...
hahahaha =)

HegnerFam said...

Ugh! Sorry guys, can't get my picture to post. It always tells me that'Error 66*019*10246 has occurred' I will keep trying though!

Julianna said...

Sorry guys the camera on my phone decided to erase all my pictures so I don’t have any to post!

Elisabeth said...

No big deal. No one's going to suffer. :) Emily, I get that dumb "Error 66*019*10246 has occured" alot. These blogger people must be really smart to number all their errors! :)

We will never thirst-because all that we need is found in Jesus said...

I don't even need to is just you wierdos;):)
Just jokin...I love ya gals!