Hard to believe this time of year has rolled around again! Craziness! Why did this year go by so fast? So many memories - lol! I should seriously write a book about it all.
Sooo...anyway...since I don't have anything better to post and I am feeling guilty because I haven't posted since Tuesday *gasp* here are some pictures...documenting what my week has looked like:

First, the sad news. :( We found out that my beautiful 1876 upright piano (which turns out to be 1902) is basically beyond repair. The soundboard is cracked, for one thing, and somebody tried to nail it *back together* but unfortunatly, the echo off the nails makes the keys sound all buzzy when you play them. The cost to repair that, along with other problems, would be literally twice as much as it would be to just buy a new piano. My dad is being very gracious and letting me keep it until it really dies. *Sigh* It was fun having a historical artifact in my house for a little while, at least!

Then I was smart and sat outside in 20 degree weather taking pictures of the sky. Yep. Uh huh. It was quite cold. But I loved it! If you just sit there and watch the sky from between 4:30 - 5, it changes so quickly, and all the colors and lighting and the clouds - ahhh! It is truly breathtaking. God's creating is so amazing! And I tell you, Kansas sunsets are the best anywhere. Even compared to Florida. It's true.

Aaaannndd...we had our care-group Christmas party! Lots of good food and off-key singing! It was awesome!

Yes, and here we are with our bounty. It was amazing.

Emily and I decided our New Year's resolutions would include "not to eat so much." There is a fine line between holiday feasting and gluttony. Mom, stop being such a good cook! Stop it! :)
Here is Ben in his Chick-Fil-A uniform. See, Ben? It is not an evil picture! Even if Matthew did take it. ;)

And finally, National Treasure 2 came out! Finally! Whoot! Us and the H's have a weird obsession with National Treasure. I guess it is because we are history geeks. :) We have been counting down the days till it comes out - literally. When it FINALLY came out, we were doubly blessed to have Anna and Vivian come with us! We rocked the theater.

Here is Emily and Vivian pretending to be enthralled with the movie (and Ben in the background giving me a very odd look) . Actually, the movie hadn't even started - it was during the 30 minute period we sat through pointless previews and comercials. Bleh.

Here are our adorable little brothers. Seriously, though. I love them.
Matthew: "Lets do the squishy face!"
Gregory: "On the count of three..."
*All three boys count to three*
Gregory: "Oh look! My tooth popped out!"

Why are you guys so awesome?! God has blessed me with some pretty amazing people in my life.
Well...it is 10:30 and I am still in my pajamas, so I guess I'd better go get a shower now. ;) See ya'll when I see ya!
Merry Christmas Elisabeth!! Loved the pictures...we saw National Treasure 2, too....I liked it. Your pictures of the sunset are very pretty. I especially like the first one. Have fun, and I am praying that the Lord blesses you this next year and draws you closer to himself! Love you friend
You have to see this funny video on my blog..
Just saw it and commented...so funny! xD
Mmkay...does anyone know how to fix the clock on a blog? Mine is seriously off and I am lost. Help!
Those are great pictures, E.
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