Monday, December 10, 2007

.candle light.

Here are the few pictures I have of Candlelight this year. *Sniff,sniff* In my rush I did the unthinkable - I left my camera on my dresser! Horrors! Anyway, thanks for sending these to me, Anna! We got through the evening with few problems. Josh forgot his lines one or two times, as did Gregory. But they were so cute in their costumes I forgave them. :) I didn't get to see Anna in her room, but I hear she did splendidly. And we could see Ben out the window of the children's room, and it looked like he did well enough. Except he told me at one point he forgot a whole paragraph of his little speech as "Hans the hired hand" :) and had to go back and say "uh...I forgot a really important part...Eliza died." :D And then there was Matthew, who was bringing tours up to the front porch. "Please join me in singing Jingle Bells while we go up to the Wornall's front porch, where your tour will begin." A big man looks down at him and glares and says "We're not gonna sing Jingle Bells this time!" Ha! It was an eventful evening!

It was a very fun night. I'm so sad the second night had to be cancelled!

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