**Edit - there is actually a new post on 31thirty, girls! Check it out
Once upon a time there was a youth-group that had eleven girls and one boy:

Except when Joseph decided to show up...

^ Joseph liked to take pictures of himself

He also took this lovely picture of Vivian ^

Then I decided I wanted my camera back and took this picture of Emily H. and Lauren

Yes, there were two Emilys in the youth-group. And even though they looked nothing alike, it could still be confusing.

One of the girls liked to take pictures while riding in the van. The photos she took behind her head, as to capture what was going on in the back seat, were very artistic.
Once they arrived at Emily S.'s house, they got very sugar high on brownies and ice cream, and then decided to play some games, like charades, Taboo, and telephone.

And then the girl who like to take pictures found the recording studio in the basement...

Oh yes, did I forget to mention one of the girls was a stinkin' model? [I am seriously surrounded by gorgeous friends - another example of God's love of beauty!]

The end
Great pictures, great time, great friends, GREAT GOD!!!
Thanks Elisabeth for posting
Mrs. H.
Hey, I was wondering if "the girl who likes to take pictures" is anything like "the one that Jesus loves"? Like the one who is writing isn't actually using their name...:)
Mrs. H.
Ditto. And yes, I am the girl who likes to take pictures. lol. :)
cute pictures...loved the way you phrased it!
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