Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Very Big T.V.

My dad is very high-tech. He enjoys high-tech things and furthermore, knows how to work them. But the real secret to his high-tech-ness is that high-tech things like him.

I am sad to say I did not inherit my dad's high-tech-ness. I didn't get his math brain either. Instead, I got his brown eyes. *sigh*

Story continues. My dad gets a new t.v. He calls it a "plasma" or however you spell it. Matthew and Josh call it "sweet." I call it "big."

What's worse is that it comes with seven clickers (or remotes, if you want to call them that):

They don't like me at all. My dad presses a button: it does like it says. (example: mute, power, volume, etc.) I press a button: nothing. Very frustrating. My mom says I take after her. And her mother before her. It's very disheartening. *heavy sigh*

And now that you know my sad story, I must close.


1 comment:

Vivian Claire said...

I know what you mean. Although, lately I have being doing well with my "high-tech" things...