Thursday, February 19, 2009

LOTR names

Thanks to Joseph, I came upon this website where you can calculate your hobbit and elvish names. :) It is pretty much awesome. I found mine and then took the liberty of doing some of yours, just out of curiosity. So here we go...


Silmarwen Vanimedlë (elvish)
Peony Millstone of Bywater (hobbit)


Sairalindë Telemnar (elvish)
Rosie Sandybanks of Frogmorton (hobbit)


Lúthien Linwëlin (elvish)
Rosie-Posie Boggy-Hillocks (hobbit)


Maeglin Míriel (elvish)
Todo Toadfoot of Frogmorton (hobbit)

Emily H's:

Itarildë Míriel (elvish)
Berylla Toadfoot of Frogmorton (hobbit)

I just did those of you I know have blogs, but for anyone else here is the site: . So yes. Random, but fun. :)


Vivian Claire said...

That is pretty much awesome! I love Alexandra's name...

~Rosie Sandybanks of Frogmorton

Anonymous said...

i love my elvish name...but not my hobbit name!! :-)

Elisabeth said...

Hahaha...I'm just going to have to call you Rose-Posie from now on. xD