Wednesday, May 13, 2009

omgosh a post

Wow! What a hectic few weeks this has been! In addition to moving all four kids into different rooms (not to mention all the trips to the hardware store and gallons of paint), we have been Mothers' Day shopping, celebrating William and Benjami's graduations, preparing our menfolk for camping and, who would have thunk, visiting Matthew in the hospital after the ensuing snake bite! There is no way we could have handled it all without God's grace.
And speaking of God's grace...

We are going on vacation! To Florida! In 8 days!!!

Oh yeah. I am actually leaving a few days before my family, who are flying. I am driving with the H's and will, therefore, have a couple extra days of vacation time. Woot! I am so psyched, you guys. And I am SO ready for the sun!

Speaking of which, the time has come for me to get a better camera. I will DEFINATELY be taking BILLIONS of pictures with it, too. Here is a picture of my new baby...

There are many awesome features to this little beauty that I won't bore you with here, but after she arrives, I may be too excited to resist. Hee hee.

So now you all are updated on my hectic life. I know I never post anyway but just so you know, this will probably be my last for a few more weeks...Florida, here I come!!


Anonymous said...

where in FL are you going?

Elisabeth said...

Anna Maria Island :) Its beautiful there and will be even better going with friends :)

Anonymous said...

have fun!! i'm jealous...i'll be unpacking in a strange house while you're on the beach!! :-)

Matthew said...

it is going 2 b awesome! i can't wait 4 bush gardens!

We will never thirst-because all that we need is found in Jesus said...

Have Fun!! hope God blesses u with a peace filled and fun vacation!

Vivian Claire said...

Nice camera! Knowing you, I assume we can expect many pictures from your vacation. :)

Elisabeth said...

i'm feeling the adrenaline rush already...=D