So we (the members of the Gimotty care group) are beginning a new study. We will be going through John Piper's amazing book entitled God is the Gospel. Unfortunately as a result of my recent surgery (the removal of those nasty little inconveniences called wisdom teeth) I was not able to attend the first meeting centered around this study. :( For shame! But I did read the introduction and the first chapter myself at home, and even with such a small bit of exposure was deeply, deeply encouraged by Mr. Piper's words. This is just a breif section of the introduction, but it is so very lovely I thought I'd share it with ya'll:
"The gospel of Jesus Christ reveals what splendor is. Paul
calls it the "light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of
God" (2 Cor. 4:4). Two verses later he calls it "the glory of God in the face of
Jesus Christ."When I say "God is the gospel" I mean that the highest, best,
final, decisive good of the gospel, without which no other gifts would be good,
is teh glory of God in the face of Christ revealed for our everlasting
enjoyment. The saving love of God is God's commitment to do everything necessary
to enthrall us with what is most deeply and durably satisfying, namely himself.
Since we are sinners and have no right and no desire to be enthralled with God,
therefore God's love enacted a plan of redemption to provide that right and that
desire. The supreme demonstration of God's love was the sending of his Son to
die for our sins and to rise again so taht sinners might have the right to
approach God and might have the pleasure of his presence forever.In order for the Christian gospel to be good news it must
provide and all-satisfying and eternal gift that undeserving sinners can receive
and enjoy. For that to be true, the gift must be three things. First, the gift
must be purchased by the blood and righteousness of Jesus Christ, the Son of
God. Our sins must be covered, and the wrath of God against us must be removed,
and Christ's righteousness must be imputed to us. Second, the gift must be free
and not earned. There would be no good news if we had to merit the gift of the
gospel. third, the gift must be God himself, above all his other gifts..."
John PiperGod Is the Gospelcopyright 2005 Desiring God Foundation
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