Okay. This is really pointless. It is nothing. I should really post something meaningful, but I feel very brain-dead. Algebra can do that to you. Hence, I am writing a post about nothing.
The world is very good at nothing. There is a vast amount of nothingness out there on the web. I guess everything has to be something, but things that are so pointless might as well be classified as nothing.
Wow. I am so intellectual. :)
If you want to read something real, go read William's blog. He comes up with some very interesting things.
Oh, wait. I just thought of something to post! I knew that would happen if I typed nothingness for a little while!! =D
Here are some pictures I took of Abby this summer. In her reenacting outfit. (Speaking of which, my new dress should be here by now, but it isn't. *uggghhhhh*)

You know, there's probably plenty of pictures hidden away in my many photography files that I have never posted. I should post more nothing posts. It makes me remember things.
The end.
Great pictures! I use a Nikon D40 digital. It's my new baby.
Isn't it funny how small the world can be? I still haven't been to Providence Church yet, but one of these days. . .
And by the way, nothingness posts are the best.
Hey...nothingness is fun....at least for me...nothing to do:)
cute pics
Thanks for the vote confidence ;)
I read your whole post of nothingness and it made me laugh. :D
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