Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Randomness from Mr. Smith and Co...

Reflections from the life and times of Mr. Smith. Today is Halloween. That strange holiday, celebrating strange costumes and greedy little children. The one time of year – not counting Christmas – where you can be very, very greedy. I have not decided what costume I should wear yet…any suggestions? I think I will go as the all duck-tape man, maybe wrap myself up like a mummy with duck-tape. But last time I did that I got an awful rash and I lost all my hair. A couple years ago one of my friends suggested I dress up as a globe, he said that I wouldn’t even need to use any padding. I’m not sure I like that idea. As I wandered through the streets looking at all the other children’s costumes, trying to decide what I liked, night had already fallen, and people were handing out candy to greedy little fat children. I felt compelled to write a poem. And here is my poem:
I rounded a corner and lo and behold,
I saw Old Saint Nick, trembling and old.
He stared and he glared and he grumbled at me.
He stared so long I charged him a fee.
He stopped in his tracks.
He started to scream.
The world around me shifted,
As if in a dream.
And poor old Saint Nick, he turned and he fell.
And he didn’t stop falling till he landed in hell.
The moral to this story?
Look both ways before crossing the street.
I’m not sure why, but it sounds kind of neat.

Thus ends this week’s reflections. And then my mirror image disappeared.

Reflections from the life and times of Mr. Smith.
After Saint Nick expired, I realized that,
I, as myself,
In all of my fat
Am nearly as evil
As an evil dark bat.
Demons and goblins can’t stand up to me
As I walked down the street,
I saw they could see.
They dropped left and right
They fell before me.
They saw Smith at his best.
Standing there only in a plaid striped vest.

Thus ends this week's reflections. And then my mirror image disappeared.
Just as a side note, we don't really celebrate halloween. We are just amused by the ridiculousness of it. :) And yes, Ben is now a professional poet. We're totally going to be published someday. Soon his name will be up there with Edgar Allan Poe and John Greenleaf Whittier...
Okay. It's way too late for me to be posting so I'm going to exit before I say anything I'll regret in the morning...

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