Sunday, November 9, 2008

A. Post.

I feel like I should post something.

Actually, I don't. I'm just bored and, since I was already on the internet, posting sounded like something to do.

The result of this?


So this is what happened this week.

MONDAY: I finished - after 2 years of it being pounded into my head - Algebra 1!! I know to some of you who are like...studying Calculus...this is really lame but let me tell you...this is a victory. MAN do I stink at math and MAN am I happy to be done with Algebra. At least for this year. For now it is Geometry and then comes Algebra 2. Ick.

TUESDAY: Barak Obama is elected president. It is really tempting to go off on a tangent here but I won't because...well...why waste a nothingness post on Barak Obama? `Nuff said.

WEDNESDAY: I sat in Derek's office at church and addressed aproximately 60 Christmas cards and 4 birthday cards. (By the way if you think my room is messy you should see Derek's office. It was incredible. All I had to do was stack a few books on top of each other and he could tell I had "straightened up" for him. Wow.)

THURSDAY: Matthew has a stomach bug and thus, I have nothing to do, so I start a new novel. It has to do with Robert E. Lee's family plus the Custis/Washington family...Arlington House...and a family secret that could have possibly changed history and the outcome of the Civil War but didn't because I invented it...bwahaha....

FRIDAY: A remarkable day in history. NOTHING HAPPENED.

SATURDAY: Played the Wii for the first time in the 2 years we have had it and proved my self to be the 2nd worst player in the living room (Ben coming in 1st). Went to work and made aproximately 30 thousand milkshakes (half of them ending up on me) and listened to Joel sing "I'm dreaming of a white Thanksgiving." Goodness I love working there. :)

TODAY: Had a pretty much amazing time in the Nursery at church. It is way too much fun to be in there with Ben and those little kids. The combination is just...well...anyway. I love it. :) Then the Sharps came over after church and we ate. Alot. Of food. That was fun, too. :)

So that was my week. I have no doubt that you are all the more edified by my accound of it.

And since I can't think of any clever ways to end this post I will just say "GOODBYE."

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