Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Catching Up...

Ok! So its been a while since I've been in the blogosphere. So! First thing's first....

I've been tagged!!! By Stephie. Here's how it works:

Go to your Pictures file
Go to the 5th folder
Open the 5th picture and post it
Tag 5 people when you're done

Yes, I know. It's Picket's Charge. Not surprising, huh? :) And since Stephie already tagged Vivian I'm going to have to think really hard who to tag and I still doubt I'll come up with 5.

Okay. I guess Vivian can do it twice. :) I also tag Ben, Anna, and William. Guess that's 4. Even though nobody will do it. ;)

Now that I have that taken care of...


For some reason last year I was not really excited about Christmas. This year, I am remembering why I loved it so much when I was little. Not presents, necessarily...for the life of me I can't think of anything I want and my grandma is very aggravated with me (LOL). Seriously, though. I love the SMELL of Christmas. I have baked countless batches of gingerbread cookies already just because I like the smell. Then I end up eating them. Thankfully the doctor thinks I'm underweight so I can eat as much as I want. =D In addition to this, I love Christmas music...I'm either listening to it on the radio or playing on the piano. Christmas decorations rock...yes, I know, "shiny things." lol. And my favorite: church at Christmastime. There is just something about the combination of garland and pews and big red bows that is so old-fashioned and sweet. And out worship team is awesome with the Christmas carols. This week I think I realized for the first time, singing them, how worshipful they are! I bawled the entire worship service and ended up with a pile of soggy, make-uppy kleenexs on the pew. But seriously. God is so good! I love Mr. Hoffman's saying: "You can't separate the cradle from the cross."

Wow this is a really rambling post. I think the cold weather is getting to me...

Merry Christmas everyone! "Hallelujah, Hope has Come!"

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